Friday, March 13, 2009

The Orphanage...

When I was staying in Nepal a couple came to see the orphanage I lived at, I totally forgot about it untill today when I was going through my letters from the kids and came across there card. They wrote a nice little page and posted some super cute pictures.
you should go see how adorable my family in nepal is...Our Father's House

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

this rain makes me want my tin roof in nepal back...

I tried my hand at making samosas the other day. The dough was a little to flaky for my liking but it still tasted delicious. I had never tried garbanzo beans before going to Nepal but now I really like them. I mean they kinda taste like nothing but I like the texture and the slight flavor they do have : ) I've learned that I really miss the flavours of Nepal. They use like the same 5 spices in everything, its become almost like a comfort food to me now. I couldn't even tell you how many garlic cloves I peeled and ginger roots a cut up at the orphanage!

this inspires me:
"The seasons remind me that I must keep changing, and I want to change because it is God's way. All my life I have been changing. I changed form a baby to a child, from soft toys to play daggers. I changed into a teenager to drive a car, into a worker to spend some money. I will change into a husband to love a woman, into a father to love a child, change houses so we are near water, and again so we are near mountains, and again so we are near friends, keep changing with my wife, getting our love so it dies and gets born again and again, like a garden, fed by four seasons, a cycle of change. Everybody has to change, or they expire. Everybody has to leave, everybody has to leave their home and come back so they can love it again for all new reasons."
-Donald Miller