Monday, December 27, 2004

"-To meet the guy that Hannah is gonna marry "u wann supersize those fries?" aww..hannah how romantic"

Thanks Olivia!! Someday that will happen. But why do you always think he is going to work at mcdonalds or some place like that? Hopefully he will work somewere else. But I guess if he is everything else i want then i can deal with the fact he works at mcdonalds. Question though...will he dance with me? That is a must. He doesn't have to dance good but as long as he is willing to dance with me it will all be good. Next time you come up we can continue those lessons on how to get a guy. How do you do it?!?!?!hahahaha I'll try the whole chili fries in the face. I guess guys like

Friday, December 24, 2004

and a merry new year!!!

well let us see, it is christmas eve. Tomorrow I will wake up and it will be christmas. wow That is crazy! Did I tell you guys tomorrow is CHRISTMAS!!! the one day every kid looks forward to all year, the day were I get so excited when everyone opens the gifts I gave them. Yup that is what tomorrow is. But the most important thing to remember is that God sent His son for us. It has never been more poweful then this christmas what it means. I guess I've been a kid all these years, a kid who only thought about the gifts and mind you it wasn't as much as the gifts I was getting but the ones I was giving. But this christmas I figured out how to be a kid and remember why I'm celebrating.

And the best thing about tomorrow is I won't be sick!!!! yesssss. Ok so instead of being tomorrow I feel rotten today! haha Ok so I take what I can get.

I don't know about you all but right now all the troops we have all over the world are in my prayers. I know one of the parts of christmas I love is being with my family, that is part of christmas. I can't picture it without them. So I just hope you all will keep them in your prayers also. And remember all you and all of us as americans have to be thankful for.

I hope all of you (whoever if anyone reads this.haha) have a wonderful day. If anyone who reads this is having a white christmas. Eat some snow for me :)

Thursday, December 23, 2004

well let's see right now there is a sickness going around in our house. so fun!! and perfect timing also right before christmas. which means there is a 99% chance someone will be sick on christmas. And i'm just waiting to start throwing up now. i get one of the funnest parts, just sitting around waiting. Yup and my older sister is being herself and not helping me much. it is all fun stuff!!hahaha Well i guess i will just sit i'm tired of making cookies and i'm hoping that somehow, someway, i won't throw up. I hate yes HATE throw up with passion. but i did decided that it is ok to eat the pizza now because i'd rather have fun at eat now. And plus i'd rather throw up something then nothing. so that is it. so long for now.

Monday, December 20, 2004

I just decided that all moms who have two sons have to be a bit crazy to be able to deal with them and they are awesome and I don't know how they do it. yup. I baby sat 2 little boys today. They are so wield but they are fun to baby sit you just have to have a LOT of energy. i don't mean the moms were crazy when they had them just after they did. They become crazy so they could do it. I've always wanted boys when I have kids and the ones i baby sat today didn't change me. I just decided that I'm going to become crazy! So that was my thought for the day.

"You've failed many times, although you don't remember. You fell down the first time you tried to walk. You almost drowned the first time you tried to swim. . . . Don't worry about failure. . . . Worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try."

"God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons we could not learn in any other way. The way we learn those lessons is not to deny the feelings but to find the meanings underlying them."

a good friend is one who will make you feel happy when love isn't around (that is such a true quote in my life!)

ok so those are just some cool quotes i found.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

so what can i say i'm a blonde!
tonight at awanas me and my friend (also a blonde) were puting a table away. so it belonged behind a couch, so i was moving it and set it right on her foot! then she was just like 'oh haha that is ok' then next thing i know she has me pinned up against the wall with the table. she totaly didn't even realize it ether. so i was like 'aagghhhh i'm stuck!' and all the while all the little girls are sitting there laughing at us. hahahahaha it was ssoooo funny!!! me and my friend were like 'see this is what happens when you send two blondes to do a job!'
so i had a lot of fun tonight at awanas. the girls are always really fun.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

This is who I am.
I'm 5'6. I have blonde hair and blue yes.
I love wearing flip-flops, taking walks in the rain and singing while I'm walking.
I love going out at night and looking at the stars, cuddling up on the couch with a nice cup of tea and a good book.
I love listening to Josh Groban (his voices is so amazing) and wearing my pink plastic crown.
I like turning up my music and dancing in front of the mirror, taking long walks and listening to the birds sing.
I love it the way one rose can signify so much.
I like history. I like moca frapucciono, used book stores,
and the way the sun rises in between the mountains.
I love laughing so hard it hurts, singing in the shower.
I love splashing in the ocean and running through the fields.
I love how paintings can say so much and old black and white photos.
There are a lot of funny things that I like.
But they are what makes me well...ME!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

HOW CAN I KEEP MY FEET ON THE GROUND WHEN I KNOW I WAS BORN TO FLY? (some song i heard the other day)

whoever said life was easy didn't know how to live

ok just some random thoughts for today

Monday, November 22, 2004

On sunday our pastor was preaching out of Habakkuk and I thought this one part was really cool. It was about how you can have a frear that comes from your faith in God. I guess I always knew that but I never really thought about it. Some of the notes I took were...
- Habakkuk belived God had the power to bring about judgment. He believed that God would do exactly waht He said.
- Remember, to fear, to physically tremble under certain conditions, does not necessarily mean that you have no faith.
- we need more fear, to be fearful of God and His justuce, faith produces fear.

so yup that is half of what I was thinkin about sunday I was also thinking about something else the pastor was preaching on and that was about joy and being thankful in hard times. The secret of joy lies in its object (it's what you are joyful in) Everything was taken from Habakkuk but he didn't stop thanking God because his joy was found in Him.

My prayer is that i can be like that finding my joy in Christ alone and have a fear that is a result of my faith in God.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

_My Prince Charming_
all i want it someone to who loves me
who thinks the world of me
i don't need diamond rings
or nice cars
just a little place to call a home
with someone to love
i don't need a rich man
just enough to get us by is all i ask
someone to call me a princess.
so you might think my prince charming
is quite different then yours but
it's the little things that count in my eyes

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

So for the past couple days i've been at the beach camping with my family. It was really fun. Even thought it was ssoooooo cold! and i am so glad to get to sleep in my bed tonight. While we were there despite the cold weather i took a couple nice walks. It was so nice to get away and just talk and be still with God. I've really been needing it lately but it is hard to do with a big family like mine and with school so it was nice to be away and to be abel to leave for a couple hours at a time and just be alone. So here are some scriptures God gave me during my 'walks'.

so lately i have been just wondering about what my life holds. what it is going to be like. what i'm supposed to do. So God gave me a verse that really encourged me. one of those that you read all the time but now it means a lot to me
jeremiah 29:11 for i know the thoughts that i think towards you, say the Lord.
thoughts of peace and and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

then this one...
jeremiah 29:13 And you will seek Me and find Me,
when you search for me with all your heart

so this is sorta something i've never really thought about. or i have but just kinda was like sure whatever then moved on. so yeah i guess i really need to think about it now.
psalm 45:10-12 Listen, Oh daughter consider and incline your ear;
forget you own people also, and your fathers house;
So the King will greatly desire your beauty'
Because He is your Lord, worship Him.
And the daughter of Tyre will come with a gift
The rich among the people will seek your favor.

so yes that is all for now...

Thursday, November 04, 2004

let the rain fall down and wake my dreams, let it wash away my sanity cuz i wanna hear the thunder i wanna scream let the rain fall down i'm coming clean...

(Horray it's raining today!!!!)

Thursday, October 28, 2004

You know I read this thing the other day and I think it makes a lot of sense. That if we make Gods will the focus of our life day by day you will be satisfied with life. I can tell you it isn't always the easiest thing to do but just pray about it and God will help you. It is the only way to truly be satisfied.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

i've found myself at a pause in the road
not much seems to be happening
but it's times like this when i can
take time to smell the flowers
as i walk out the door,
to stop and marvel at Gods creation,
to sing a joyous song to the Lord as i clean,
to stop and laugh at my own mistakes,
to sit quietly and listen to God.
it's times like this i've learned my most important lessons.
being busy isn't bad as long as you still have time to remember the small things.
they are what makes the difference.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Women was created from the rib of man
Not from his head
to top him
neither from his feet
to be walked upon
She was made from his side
to be his equal
from beneath his arm
to be protected by him
from very near his heart
to be loved by him.
-Author Unknown

So yeah that is what my future husband can expect of me. I don't want to be above him or under him. I want to be next to him to help him and be there for him.

Friday, October 22, 2004

this is me as a clown!! lol the girls in my awana group loved it. when ever a new girl comes they tell her about how i have a really cool clown outfit. they are so great! Posted by Hello

here is me with a really pretty flower my brother gave me Posted by Hello
ok so i just found my note book that i write in so that is why i have 2 posts tonight.

I'm excited, I'm excited about my life.
I have no clue were it is going to take me
But a life with God is nothing ordinary
And trust me it has been anything but boring!
My life has become an adventure
Each turn brings something new
And I sure do feel like there have been quite a few turns and bumps lately
But they have just made my life that much better.

ok so that is all i have for now : ) But now that i found my note book i can write more!
Ok so I wrote this a couple days after my birthday. Kinda just talkin about last year.
Well here is for another year of my life.
I wonder what this year will bring
I've grown so much.
God has become so much more real to me
I've learned how to have an intimate relationship with Him.
I've felt His touch
I know what it means to be in love,
Because I am so in love with God
He has taught me so much.
I've been broken to the point I didn't know how I could go on
But I've perservered and grown,
I'm not the same girl I was last year
I'm a one girl revolution.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

ok so with the election coming up and all i thought this was a good time to put this quote on here

"And can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis?
A conviction in the minds of the people that these liberties are of the gift of God?
That they are not to be violated but with His wrath?
Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just;
That His justice cannont sleep forever"
Thomas Jefferson

-some random but good quotes i like...

'never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God'
Corrie ten Boom

'Many christians today think that our task it to open the church doors and invite sinners to come to us,
But Jesus instructs us to go to the lost with the message of the Gospel.
There is a danger that "separation" becomes "isolation"
And we fail to contact lost sinners'
Randy Georige

'It is not my ability, But my response to God's ability that counts'
Corrie ten Boom

'We are never stronger then the moment we admit we are weak'
Beth Moore

'Suffering is never for nothing, It is that you and I might be conformed to the image or Christ'

'NO reservation, NO retreat, NO reget.'
William Borden

Saturday, October 16, 2004

why is my blog name singing solo you ask. here is why

Sometimes I grow lonely singing alone
And I yearn for another to complement my melody--
To sing with me in beauty and unity.
Then my Father tells me that for today
The most perfect music I can make
Is that which is a solo sung for Him.
This Song of my Life.

~by Natalie Nyquist~

So yeah that is it. I love singing and I thought it went well with how i feel. And it might sound like I want to stay single the rest of my life but I don't. Someday I want to marry. But I'm a little young for that right now! haha

Thursday, October 14, 2004

well here is another day
i sit around and wait
wonderin if you'll notice me
its my birthday did you know
i thought you might remember
well i guess i was wrong
everytime you say hi my heart jumps inside of me
and everytime you walk on by i feel like i could cry
well i guess i sould just forget
forget about you and me
friends is all we'll ever be
and don't take me wrong
i'm happy to be your friend
and only a friend
just tell me now before my heart is gone

happy birthday to......ME!!!!!!!!! HORRAY. it's my birthday today!! I have some awesome friends. I don't know if i have ever got as many phone calls as i did today!!!! And i've never had happy birthday sang so many times to me!!! hee hee It was awesome. Well to start of the day i got a cold but i don't really mind being sick. as long as i'm not throwing up i don't care if i'm sick or not. i have fun ether way. so then i sat around and watched a movie and did homework and stuff. I had irish stew for dinner. and my friend chelsey came over and mike came to give me a gift. It has been one good day. Ashley and Hannah that was an awesome call!!!! I miss singing to ashley!!! so i had fun singing to her. hee hee My grandparents called and sang to me!!! it was so great. and shannon called (you are so sweet girl!). Yeah it has been a fun day. i got some awesome gifts also. so yeah it has been altogether a great day. and tomorrow i get to see MERRY!!!!! HORRAY!!!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I want to live fully to You. I surrender all of me to You. I want to live the life you want me to. Please help me to. Please help me to follow your truth. I know that sometime I slip but help me to soar. Please help me to want your truth to follow after it. I'm laying down my dreams into your hands. I give you my future. I don't know what it holds but I know who holds it. So please rule in my life let your truth be what I strive after. I love you so much Lord. Thank you for giving me truth to live by. Thank you for loving me.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Well I'm home from the civil war ball. My sis, cousin and I went with our friend Mike and his parents. We stayed at there friends house 2 nights. The ball was really fun. It was funny because the guys wern't that outgoing so my friend Taylor (who has 2 older brothers) would be like lets go get some guys so we would go walk over to her brothers and there friends and stand there till they asked us.haha On sunday after church we went for a 'walk'. I was in my nice church clothes (nice pants and nice shirt) and flip flops and we went up and down these hills that we really steep. It was really fun. I was totaly covered in dirt. And there were these guys who drove by like 2 times then stoped and started talking to us. And it turned out Taylor knew one of
Also now I am so sick of watching my sis and mike flirt!!! AAAGGGHHHHH Yes I know they are going out and all but it is not fun. It is funny how flirty they are but also annoying!! I guess I just need to get over it cuz it isn't gonna stop anytime soon. So yeah that was just a few highlights and low parts of my weekend.
Oh yeah it is so sad I left my bible and note book with all my poems/thoughts and things like that in there car! So yeah i was sad about that. later

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Well today I was not having a good morning. There was someone (no names) who says there my friend but then does nothing else. I didn't think I was asking to much in a friend. I just want someone who will be there for me and care about me. But for that person I guess it was to much to ask. But then I decided that I wasn't going to care about it (or at least try not to care) and now I am having a really fun day! Tonight I'm going to the drive-in theater. So that should be fun. And I have somemore poems I've writen that I will post later but now I have to go help my cousin sew her dress for the civil war ball we are going to this weekend. So I hope that everyone who is reading this will have a fun weekend! Remember don't care what others think because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind! hee hee

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

So tonight at awanas (i'm an lit) we had to dress up like clowns! it was great. i think i got kinda carried away and kept on doing more to myself but it was fun. one of the girls said i looked like a rock star and then this little boy i baby sit said i looked freaky. haha
My birthday is in...8 days!!!! HORRAY!!!
I was going to say something else but I can't think what it was.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

I had a awesome time at youth group tonight. We were singing a song and I was thinking about how we were going to my sis boyfriends house that night and stuff and kinda wondering about my love life and I just really felt God there with me telling me that He is all I need. And right then we were singing a song about just resting in Him and I really felt like He was all I needed. So I wrote this out.
I love it dear Jesus
When you take me in your arms and
Tell me how much you love me
I love to lay my head on your chest
And know you'll wipe the tears from my eyes
Your all I'll ever need.
Thank you for your unfailing love.

So I don't know what that is it isn't quite a poem it is more like a thought. Well more tomorrow cuz I want to sleep but I have more to say.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Today me and my mom and sis were talking about dating/courting and were to we draw the line on guy girl relationship. I personally think it is kinda stupid to date before you are at least 17 and ready to think about marriage. And I decided if a guy I liked now liked me and I thought there might be something there I would tell him "I like you, you like me we might have a future together but I'm only 14 so lets just be friends" ok that is kinda randomness but hey it could happen. I've chosen not to date because I feel I need to focus on my relationship with God and what He has for me and not on a guy. And trust me it isn't easy. I can't tell you how many times I've just wanted to give up and say ok I'm dateable! That is when I run to Gods arms and He remindes me that He is all I need. And I always remember the line of a song that goes "I'm satisfide by your love so completely how could I thirst for the praises of man. there's nothing I need that you haven't provided no one can offer me peace like you can" I want to be able to tell my future husband that he is the first person I have ever given myself to. I don't want to give him anything less then I can.
Like sleeping beauty my prince will come for me...

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Wait, the one word I really don't want to hear
I'd rather hear no, just so I'd know the answer
But wait has been the word of choice lately
But through waiting
I can feel your arms around me like never before,
I can experience fully the love you have for me,
Now, only now, I truly know what it is to be
satisfied wholly in you
So even though it is hard at the time
I would have missed much not having heard...


So here I go. We'll see how this turns out. I just randomly decided I would try myself at writing on this because sometimes I feel like I need to talk and no one is there so I'll do my "talking" on here.