Thursday, August 24, 2006

the beach...

Hannah, Tay and me just hanging out (ok just gotta say if Tay ever asks you to play truth or dare...just say no)

the boys

so there are some pictures from the beach. Those kids are great. We had some pretty amazing times together.

oh my guess what my parents gave me for graduation?!?!?! A TICKET TO MINNESOTA!!!!! Yup that's were I'm going to be this winter. I am way excited about it! it's gonna be the coolest winter break i've ever had!

Monday, August 14, 2006

so camping was amazing. i had sooo much fun. oh i love my friends there amazing. but i haven't realy been thinking about it because today was like the worst day so far of my year. So works been crazy, I turned in a paper that said what times i had school a couple days before the paper said i needed to turn it in by but i guess there was this unspoken rule that i was supposed to turn it in "weeks" earlier then i did but no one told me that. So now my manager is mad at me and the other people who didn't know the unspoken rule and i'm supposed to work when i'm supposed to go to classes. So pretty much i tried to get someone to cover my shift but no one would, no surprise to me, so i called my manager and left her a message saying i'm sorry about the misunderstanding but i did what the paper told me to do and i'm not going to be able to come to work because i have my first classes at school and to call me if she wants too. so now i am so scared they are going to be really mad at me but i mean i can't really just miss my first classes after i did everything right to get the work off. yeah if you couldn't tell i'm pretty upset about it all and have had a pretty emotional day. but oh well life goes on what happens happens.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

well i'm leaving to go camping at the coolest beach ever tomorrow and then on monday i'm starting hancock. oh and i'm going to a bar-b-q for work tomorrow it is something about how we sold x amount of banana drinks. (i'm not sure how much x is) and i'm not gonna lie i'm getting pretty good at shoping : ) i've gotten some pretty cute stuff.
well thats it for now kids

this is one of my senior pictures.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Haiti was amazing!
yeah I really don't even know what to say about but you can see some of my pictures of it on my myspace which is...
and if you want to know more well ask me about it!