Monday, December 27, 2004

"-To meet the guy that Hannah is gonna marry "u wann supersize those fries?" aww..hannah how romantic"

Thanks Olivia!! Someday that will happen. But why do you always think he is going to work at mcdonalds or some place like that? Hopefully he will work somewere else. But I guess if he is everything else i want then i can deal with the fact he works at mcdonalds. Question though...will he dance with me? That is a must. He doesn't have to dance good but as long as he is willing to dance with me it will all be good. Next time you come up we can continue those lessons on how to get a guy. How do you do it?!?!?!hahahaha I'll try the whole chili fries in the face. I guess guys like

Friday, December 24, 2004

and a merry new year!!!

well let us see, it is christmas eve. Tomorrow I will wake up and it will be christmas. wow That is crazy! Did I tell you guys tomorrow is CHRISTMAS!!! the one day every kid looks forward to all year, the day were I get so excited when everyone opens the gifts I gave them. Yup that is what tomorrow is. But the most important thing to remember is that God sent His son for us. It has never been more poweful then this christmas what it means. I guess I've been a kid all these years, a kid who only thought about the gifts and mind you it wasn't as much as the gifts I was getting but the ones I was giving. But this christmas I figured out how to be a kid and remember why I'm celebrating.

And the best thing about tomorrow is I won't be sick!!!! yesssss. Ok so instead of being tomorrow I feel rotten today! haha Ok so I take what I can get.

I don't know about you all but right now all the troops we have all over the world are in my prayers. I know one of the parts of christmas I love is being with my family, that is part of christmas. I can't picture it without them. So I just hope you all will keep them in your prayers also. And remember all you and all of us as americans have to be thankful for.

I hope all of you (whoever if anyone reads this.haha) have a wonderful day. If anyone who reads this is having a white christmas. Eat some snow for me :)

Thursday, December 23, 2004

well let's see right now there is a sickness going around in our house. so fun!! and perfect timing also right before christmas. which means there is a 99% chance someone will be sick on christmas. And i'm just waiting to start throwing up now. i get one of the funnest parts, just sitting around waiting. Yup and my older sister is being herself and not helping me much. it is all fun stuff!!hahaha Well i guess i will just sit i'm tired of making cookies and i'm hoping that somehow, someway, i won't throw up. I hate yes HATE throw up with passion. but i did decided that it is ok to eat the pizza now because i'd rather have fun at eat now. And plus i'd rather throw up something then nothing. so that is it. so long for now.

Monday, December 20, 2004

I just decided that all moms who have two sons have to be a bit crazy to be able to deal with them and they are awesome and I don't know how they do it. yup. I baby sat 2 little boys today. They are so wield but they are fun to baby sit you just have to have a LOT of energy. i don't mean the moms were crazy when they had them just after they did. They become crazy so they could do it. I've always wanted boys when I have kids and the ones i baby sat today didn't change me. I just decided that I'm going to become crazy! So that was my thought for the day.

"You've failed many times, although you don't remember. You fell down the first time you tried to walk. You almost drowned the first time you tried to swim. . . . Don't worry about failure. . . . Worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try."

"God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons we could not learn in any other way. The way we learn those lessons is not to deny the feelings but to find the meanings underlying them."

a good friend is one who will make you feel happy when love isn't around (that is such a true quote in my life!)

ok so those are just some cool quotes i found.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

so what can i say i'm a blonde!
tonight at awanas me and my friend (also a blonde) were puting a table away. so it belonged behind a couch, so i was moving it and set it right on her foot! then she was just like 'oh haha that is ok' then next thing i know she has me pinned up against the wall with the table. she totaly didn't even realize it ether. so i was like 'aagghhhh i'm stuck!' and all the while all the little girls are sitting there laughing at us. hahahahaha it was ssoooo funny!!! me and my friend were like 'see this is what happens when you send two blondes to do a job!'
so i had a lot of fun tonight at awanas. the girls are always really fun.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

This is who I am.
I'm 5'6. I have blonde hair and blue yes.
I love wearing flip-flops, taking walks in the rain and singing while I'm walking.
I love going out at night and looking at the stars, cuddling up on the couch with a nice cup of tea and a good book.
I love listening to Josh Groban (his voices is so amazing) and wearing my pink plastic crown.
I like turning up my music and dancing in front of the mirror, taking long walks and listening to the birds sing.
I love it the way one rose can signify so much.
I like history. I like moca frapucciono, used book stores,
and the way the sun rises in between the mountains.
I love laughing so hard it hurts, singing in the shower.
I love splashing in the ocean and running through the fields.
I love how paintings can say so much and old black and white photos.
There are a lot of funny things that I like.
But they are what makes me well...ME!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

HOW CAN I KEEP MY FEET ON THE GROUND WHEN I KNOW I WAS BORN TO FLY? (some song i heard the other day)

whoever said life was easy didn't know how to live

ok just some random thoughts for today