Thursday, March 23, 2006

"I believe in Christianty as I believe that the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything" C.S. Lewis

"You can't love someone for what they stand for, who they seem to be, you have to love them for there detals, for the little things that are true to only them." Roselee Futch (with a date with Tad Hamilton)

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength" Corrie ten Boom

"God didn't call us to be successfull, just faithful." Mother Teresa

"There is no half singing in the shower you are either a rock star or opera diva" Josh Groban

Friday, March 17, 2006

Well today I went hankie shoping with some friends. We went to this awesome little, well actully it was pretty big, antique store that had tons of hankies in it. I got one white one with some lace on it and then another white one with a chicken on it! So it was random and I had to get it. Then I went crazy getting ready for our friends to come over for dinner. It was a fun and really busy day!

Happy St. Patricks Day!!!!!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Joanna Grace (aka Grumpy Gracie)

So Jo is pretty much the funnest little 4 year I know. Me and her are little buddies and we pretty much just mess around and laugh all day. Except for when she decided she doesn't like me. I have never met such a little drama queen in my life!!!

She always finds something exciting to do. Like using markers as lipstick or having me dress her up like a pirate and then she'll chase everyone around the house.

One of the things she loves to do is sing Josh Groban songs. And then her new thing she always tells me about is how she is going to marry my friend Josh.haha

Yeah she is a crazy little girl.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

The other day me and my mom had to go to a meeting that was an hour away so and on the drive we talked about submission. yup. It is an amazing subject. It breaks me heart to see the way women are leaving behind God's will of women submiting to there husbands. I am actully reading a book right now called 'created to be his help meet' by Debbie Pearl. So maybe it is a book for married women but I mean come on why wait to get married and mess up and then read the book? I might as well learn now. I could pretty much write pages and pages about it but I won't, I will just say I am excited to submit to my husband someday and be his help meet and through that honor God. In Titus 2 it says "older women likewise...that they may admonish the younger women to love their husbands, to love thier children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed." I am so greatful that God has given me so many examples of Godly women.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Crepe party

I finaly learned how to make crepes! thanks to my great teacher Emma : ) A week or so ago my friends had a crepe party. it was pretty fun. me and Emma ended up pretty much making crepes for everyone and there were like 10 people there so making crepes for that many people takes a while.

in between making crepes for everyone me and emma found time to take pictures, lots of pictures but i'm only going to put a few cuz we took a ton!
There really were more people at this party it is just that me and Emma made the crepes so by the time we sat down there was no room left at the table they we all at. and we have this thing that whenever we see each other we take a million pictures together

this was probably the funnest picture we took all night. I don't know what we were thinking when we took it because we look like total dorks.