Monday, March 28, 2005

me, olivia, and britt on resurection sunday. yeah look at them hot people. hahaha

Friday, March 25, 2005

life is full of rejection...
that is what i have been finding out lately. My "friends" do it all the time, my school group, and now even my church!! yeah my church, I mean you would think they would be there for me to build me up, well they arn't.
But when i start feeling rejected I just go to God and He holds me close and tells me that He loves me and He will always be there no matter what. You know how amazing it is to be Gods child? I mean i don't know how i could have made it here with out His help. I love Him so much. Like I can't even put it into words. I am in love!!! : ) What can i say.
Someone once told me that i always have something positive to say about life. Well that is only with Gods help i am like that. I think that person was kinda annoyed with me, haha, well i took it as a complement!
Well I am in love. As Josh would say God is stark raving amazing. haha what ever that means. actully after the definition i understand now i think : )

Monday, March 21, 2005

Ten question survey, but it isn't as easy as it looks! Pick a band, and using ONLY that band's song titles, answer the questions to best fit you.

Band of Choice: the Supremes
1. Are you male or female? Natural Woman
2. Describe yourself: Baby Love
3. How do some people feel about you? My World Is Empty Without You
4. How do you feel about yourself? Nothing But Heartaches
5. Describe your girlfriend/boyfriend/interest:) A Breath Taking Guy
6. Where would you rather be? Standing At The Crossroads Of Love
7. Describe what you want to be: Crumbs Off The Table
8. Describe how you live: Feel Like Makin' Love
9. Describe how you love: Up The Ladder To The Roof
10. Share a few words of wisdom: Run, Run, Run

Friday, March 18, 2005

So right now I am kinda sick with a cold and as the night gets later and later my voice gets deeper. It makes me remember the convo I had with my friends when Brianna was sick and her voice was getting deep and Kate was standing there saying 'well you know brianna some guys find deep voices attractive' and Brianna was all 'well I have a boyfriend so I don't need to attract any guys!' So sitting here tonight I can't help but feel attrative with my deep manly voice!! ok so maybe not but I can get a good laugh out of having a manly voice.

Friday, March 11, 2005

yup that is me and my sister!!!heehee I am the one with the really blonde hair. We are in our princess pj's!! horray for us!

ok i don't know what got into me but for some reason i took a picture of my feet with a dandelion!haha random i know but i love the pic!! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

My photography from the ski trip! I love taking pictures. Posted by Hello

me and Bizzy were lodgers at the ski trip we went on! heehee It was fun. Posted by Hello